Welcome to the North End Flower Club!

We meet at 1420 NW 80th St, Seattle, WA (United Evangelical Free Church) on the first Friday of the month September through June at 10 AM (unless otherwise noted).

Come join us! Most of our members come from Ballard, Crow Hill, Whittier Heights, Woodland Park, Fremont, Phinney Ridge, Green Lake, Wallingford, Greenwood neighborhoods.

North End Flower Club
“Flourish with friends and flowers”
Organized 1919
Greater Seattle District Garden Clubs, 1936
WA State Federation of Garden Clubs, 1933
Pacific Region Garden Clubs, 1933
National Garden Clubs, Inc., 1933

2024 Plant Sale

Goals & Objectives

NEFC was founded in 1919 and is committed to developing the knowledge of flowers and their propagation, and to increase and stimulate an interest in gardening and beautification through the use of plants and flowers.
Also, we provide education, resources, and national networking opportunities for our members in order to promote the love of gardening, floral design, civic and environmental responsibilities in accordance with the National Garden Clubs.
Floral design and horticulture are the focus for the group. There are explicit rules for the types of designs and display of horticulture found in the “Handbook for Flower Shows. Meetings generally have a design and/or horticulture program presented by guest speakers or by members.

Contact us: nefcseattle @ gmail.com (without the spaces).